Enter red, green and blue color levels (0-255) and press the Convert button:
It takes input in the form of red, green, and blue values ranging from 0 to 255, and then converts those values to a hex string that can be used to specify the color in HTML/CSS code. Photo editing software generally represents colors in RGB, so if you want to use the colors you use in your photo editing software as the background of your HTML element, you need to get the hexadecimal representation of the RGB values. You can use this tool to retrieve these values.
Color | Color
name |
(R,G,B) | Hex |
Black | (0,0,0) | #000000 | |
White | (255,255,255) | #FFFFFF | |
Red | (255,0,0) | #FF0000 | |
Lime | (0,255,0) | #00FF00 | |
Blue | (0,0,255) | #0000FF | |
Yellow | (255,255,0) | #FFFF00 | |
Cyan | (0,255,255) | #00FFFF | |
Magenta | (255,0,255) | #FF00FF | |
Silver | (192,192,192) | #C0C0C0 | |
Gray | (128,128,128) | #808080 | |
Maroon | (128,0,0) | #800000 | |
Olive | (128,128,0) | #808000 | |
Green | (0,128,0) | #008000 | |
Purple | (128,0,128) | #800080 | |
Teal | (0,128,128) | #008080 | |
Navy | (0,0,128) | #000080 |
Convert the red, green and blue color values from decimal to hex.
Convert red color (255,0,0) to hex color code:
R = 25510 = FF16
G = 010 = 0016
B = 010 = 0016
So the hex color code is:
Hex = FF0000
Convert gold color (255,215,0) to hex color code:
R = 25510 = FF16
G = 21510 = D716
B = 010 = 0016
So the hex color code is:
Hex = FFD700
Well, RGB stands for Red, Green, Black. Different colors can be represented with this combination of three colors, for example, if you completely mix red, green, and blue you get white, but if you disappear them you get black, and therefore many combinations are represented by these 3 colors. RGB is widely used in digital applications such as TV screens, mobile phones, computers, laptops, etc. With RGB, we see these beautiful images on the screens of our home appliances. In order to obtain different colors through the RGB color format, red, green, and blue values are set in a range from 0 to 255.
HEX color code is popular among designers and developers who used it in web design. The hexadecimal color code is represented by a six-digit combination of letters and numbers. numbers on it. It is widely used in web design and developers because they mainly use hex in their daily life so it is easy to use hex color code for them and besides this positive point of using hex color code is that it is in comparison to RGB requires little memory.
Well, as the tool's name suggests, it's a one-click RGB to hex converter that makes it easy and quick for web developers and designers to get their favorite RGB hex code. Using this tool is very easy. Just input the RGB colors or use the sliders to set the RGB color and then click the "Convert" button to get the hex color. This tool also converts RGB to HSL, which we will talk about next tool.